Sunday, May 15, 2011

30 weeks pregnant!

Janelle looking so nice for sunday!

Caden needed picture too!

me at 30 weeks.

good enough so see how big I am!
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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Face Painting!

We went to the spring market at the school and the kids got their face painted and Caden picked spiderman and Janelle had a butterfly but by the time I got to take a picture Janelle's was mostly rubbed off. I think it irritated her skin a bit but you can still see it a bit.

Caden with his cheese smile! Can't believe that Caden's going to kindegarden and Janelle will be 3 next month. Time just keeps on going.

Rachel and I weren't sure what the boys were playing, but all pretend. So cute to watch them play together.

I thought this was kind of a cute picture. Janelle and Ethan.