Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Caden playing with his drums!

My little drummer! So stinken cute and with his new rubber boots! He wants to wear them all day!
Close up!
Maybe one day he will play!
So cute and having so much fun!
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cor en roely said...

Hallo Fransien,
Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag
We hopen dat je een fijne en gezellige dag hebt gehad.
liefs en hartelijke groeten,
Oom Cor en Tante Roely

breukelman said...

Caden is going to be in a band for sure when he grows up. He likes music. Nice pictures Francine. (only 21 more days till the first day of Spring!!!!!)

Paul and Tracy Vander Heide said...

What a stinkin cutey pie. Paul just atarted laughing when he seen the pictures of Caden. He is sure getting big and so cute with his little rubber boots. Isnt it funny how something like rubber boots make them so happy. Also little Janelle is such a poppy. Her little teeth look so stinkin bratty.
Love you