Friday, November 29, 2013

Leanna's new stander and walker!

 We recieved Leanna's new walker and upright stander and so the kids had fun with the big box for quite a while and all the bubble wrap. As an adult I still like popping them:)
 so fun!
 Here she is in it. She is forced to stand in proper position and gives her the proper posture. They would like her to be in there for an hour and she is usually in there for about 1/2 hour to 40mins. She gets tired of it and says "I come out, owie feet." She does do quite well especially if I bribe her. She looks so tall when she stands in it too. She can color in there, read books do puzzles and have snacks and even watch Dora:)
 Dad needed to set it up.
 Looks beautiful with the fresh snow.
 I love our home:)
 Her new walker. It is quite a big contraption and it takes alot to get her to walk. Richard does way better with her than me. She does better for him too.
 Its going to take alot to get her to learn to walk.
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breukelman said...

Yes, ciny that is quite the large walker = but she will learn to be tough. She looks tall in the stand though, we\ll have to check it out soon. Love the pictures!
Love you;se/

Fried said...

Good for Leanna!!!!!!!Give her time to discover what these items can make her do.....she will figure it out....she is one sweet,smart cookie.Just love her smile.

Paul and Tracy Vander Heide said...

What a little fart peeking out of the box! Paul said she looks like such a smart little fart.. At least now she can work at it from home.. THANKS for another post. I love it:)